Americans in Germany Drinking Whiskey

We are Geoff and Alex - two Americans living abroad in Berlin, Germany. During this series we discuss our years of experience living in Europe as expats, give advice to those who are hoping to make the move abroad and share plenty of funny stories about life in the ”land of beer and sausage.” Along the way, we test a new bottle of whiskey during each episode, because...why not?

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Story Time: Travel Chaos & Beauty - EP 66
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
We're trying something new this week and we hope you all enjoy it. This will be our first ever "Story Time" episode! We'll each be sharing interesting, funny and scary stories about experiences we've had traveling around Germany and Europe as a whole. We hope they are not only fun to listen to, but are also educational in their own weird ways. Listen to us talk about: Alex's crazy night in Bulgaria, Geoff ending up in the hospital on the first day of his European backpacking trip, Alex's RV road trip adventure through the alps, and more!

Wednesday May 12, 2021
A German Perspective From Our Girlfriends - EP 65
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Finally, after over a year of requests from our listeners, we have brought our German girlfriends on the podcast! We’ve received many requests to interview them and get their perspective on dating a foreigner, especially an American, from the point of view of a German. We focus on what it was like for them growing up in their respective small villages, residing abroad in English speaking countries, and living in such a diverse city such as Berlin. One of the main take aways from the discussion is that it really doesn’t matter where you were born and the most important thing is who you are and what’s in your heart.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
The German Shuffle (5) - EP 64
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
It’s once again time to hit the shuffle button on your iPod! The “German Shuffle” is a series of episodes in which we focus not on one topic, but on various unrelated topics. It’s a good ol’ fashioned variety show! This week’s episode will cover: the odd obsession Germans have with white asparagus, the surprising amount of items you can carry on your bicycle, what exactly a SCHUFA is, and much more!

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Cultural Differences: Part 3 - EP 63
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
The best things come in threes, and our “cultural differences” series is no different. This week we discuss some of the many ways the USA and Germany are different in every day life. How are German prisons in contrast to those in the North America? Which country’s homes are mostly made of stone, rather than wood? What is a garbage disposal and why aren’t they common in Germany? We’ll cover these odd differences, and more!

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
German Sports & Games - EP 62
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
We’ll be honest, neither of us are what you would call, “sports fanatics”, however we have had our fair share of experiences with sports while living in Germany. Some of the most popular sports here are football (soccer), handball, hockey and even basketball. Also, did you know there are even professional leagues in Germany that play American football? During this week’s episode we’ll cover - in a very generally way - German sports and even go beyond the professional realm and cover the fun games the average person plays in Berlin’s parks. The title says it all, “German Spots and Games”. Don’t worry, we have plenty of funny stories to keep all of you non-sport fans entertained!

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Questions & Answers (2) - EP 61
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
AGDW fans know we love a good ol’ fashioned Q & A. You continued to send us questions, so how could we not give you answers? Once again, we asked you all to send in your questions about moving to Germany, living in Germany, and…basically everything related to being an expat in Germany. Do Germans do brunch? Is there a visible difference between East and West Berlin? How hard is it to move to Germany with a pet? We’ll answer all these questions and more, so come along for the ride!

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
The German Shuffle (4) - EP 60
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Well, hello again, Mr.Shuffle! This is a series of episodes in which we focus not on one topic, but a wide variety of unrelated topics. It’s a good ol’ fashioned variety show! This week’s episode will cover: getting your bicycle stolen, the German Impfpass, weird clauses in apartment contracts, buying a home in Germany, and much more!

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Questions to Ask Before Moving Abroad - EP 59
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Before moving abroad to any new country there are some important things you need to take into consideration. We're not talking about physical tasks, such as submitting paperwork, apply for visas, or finding an apartment (we’ve covered these items in a different episode). Instead, we're referring to the questions every soon-to-be expat should ask themselves before moving abroad. What kind of expat do you want to be? Do you even have the motivation to learn a second language? Are you able to be away from your family for long stretches of time? And most importantly, will you be able to handle feeling like an outsider for an uncertain amount of days, weeks, or even months? We’ll talk about all this and more during this week’s episode. It’s time to get introspective!