Americans in Germany Drinking Whiskey

We are Geoff and Alex - two Americans living abroad in Berlin, Germany. During this series we discuss our years of experience living in Europe as expats, give advice to those who are hoping to make the move abroad and share plenty of funny stories about life in the ”land of beer and sausage.” Along the way, we test a new bottle of whiskey during each episode, because...why not?

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Useful "Just landed" German Words & Phrases - EP 57
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
This week we discuss some of the most useful German words and phrases that can help someone who has recently moved to Germany. In particular, we will cover the phrases we had to figure out on our own and were oddly not taught to us in our language classes. We’ll explain how we came upon these German gems and in what situations they are helpful. Some things you can’t learn in your German textbook and you won’t realize what they are until your physically “on the ground”, so to speak. However, don’t worry, this is not just a boring language lesson. Plenty of funny stories are included!

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Cultural Differences: Part 2 - EP 56
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
We finally have a sequel to one of our most popular episodes…after 53 episodes. This week we discuss some of the many ways the USA and Germany are different in every day life. Why are you locked out of your apartment in Germany if you simply close the door? Why is the average American toilet not equipped with a toilet brush? Why does everyone in a German doctor’s waiting room say “hello” as you walk in the room? We’ll cover these odd differences, and more!

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Questions All Expats Are Asked - EP 55
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Those who move abroad will have their own unique experience, however there are a few things all expats will share. For example, the set of questions they’ll inevitably be asked by all of their friends, family, and those they meet in their adopted homelands. This week we’ll be talking about the questions all expats are asked. How are you going to get a job? When are you moving back home? Are you fluent in German yet? All questions you’ll hear constantly and soon become tired of answering.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Cultural Identity - EP 54
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
When a person moves abroad for a long period of time, they sometimes begin to question their identity. There's a duality that comes with considering two different countries your home. What is the answer to, “where are you from?”. How has your adopted country changed your personality, who you are and what you believe? During this week’s episode we discuss our cultural identities and how they have changed after living for several years in Germany. We ask ourselves if we still believe ourselves to be American or if we are “becoming” German over time. Come along with us during this deep dive down the rabbit hole.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
The German Shuffle (3) - EP 53
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
The “German Shuffle” is making another glorious appearance on the podcast! Love it or hate it, it’s here to stay. For the uninitiated, these are episodes in which we focus not on one topic, but several unrelated topics. Some go by quickly and some have much more “meat on the bone.” This week’s episode will cover: the maze of courtyards in German apartment buildings, the metric system, moving abroad and feeling lost due to not knowing the local language and more!

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Questions & Answers - EP 52
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
It’s finally here, a good ol’ fashioned Q & A! You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. For this week’s episode we asked all of you to send in your questions about moving to Germany, living in Germany, and…basically everything related to being an expat in Germany. Can you secure an apartment before you arrive in Germany? How easy is it to find a job if you only speak English? What does a German CV look like? We’ll answer all these questions and more, so come along for the ride.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Germany During the Pandemic - EP 51
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
In 2020, the world changed. We'd loved to say for the better, but it was entirely for the worse. The Covid-19 pandemic hit us all and changed life as we know it forever. How did daily life in Germany change during 2020, with all of the lockdowns, lack of social contact, closure of all entertainment venues, and the requirement of wearing masks in public? What is it like to move abroad during a worldwide pandemic and is it possible to settle in Germany during such uncertain times? During this episode we’ll describe life in Germany during Covid-19 and interview a special guest that has first hand experience moving abroad during the most trying of times.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Dating & Relationships in Germany - EP 50
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
In the mood for some romance? This week we’re going to discuss what it’s like to date in Germany. What’s it like as a foreigner to have a relationship with someone from a different culture? Will the language barrier make it difficult to forge a relationship with your partner’s family? As someone from abroad, dating in Germany is at the same time entirely the same and entirely different as dating in your home country. We’ll reveal our own experiences as Americans in Germany and explain the positives aspects of being with someone from a different county.