Americans in Germany Drinking Whiskey

We are Geoff and Alex - two Americans living abroad in Berlin, Germany. During this series we discuss our years of experience living in Europe as expats, give advice to those who are hoping to make the move abroad and share plenty of funny stories about life in the ”land of beer and sausage.” Along the way, we test a new bottle of whiskey during each episode, because...why not?

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
The German Shuffle (16) - EP 138
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
German toilets are INSIDE of the wall? Coffee and German animals make the wrong sounds? We’ll be answer these questions and many more in this week's edition of the German Shuffle. The "German Shuffle" is a series of episodes in which discuss several unrelated points about life in Germany, instead of one singular topic. It’s a good ol’ fashioned variety show!
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Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Dating in Berlin and...Axe Murderers? - EP 137
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Are you looking for a long term romance? Or perhaps, just one night of fun? Berlin can offer you all of the above! This week we’re going to discuss what it’s like to date in the large metropolis that is Berlin. To help us, we are joined by Lulu Johnson, the author of the new book "Dating in Berlin: Tales of Modern Love & Relationships", in which she details her 8 years of living in Berlin and attempting to find love through the modern convinces of dating apps. Having grown up in a small town in Ireland, she took Berlin head on, undaunted by its size or any language barriers, and began dating people of all different cultures and backgrounds (including a convicted killer, we're not joking). We'll hear about her experiences - while throwing in a few of our own - and try and give advice to those who wish to settle abroad and find that special someone.
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Read "Dating in Berlin" by Lulu Johnson - Buy the Book Now!

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
The German Shuffle (15): LIVE SPECIAL EDITION - EP 136
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
We're doing it live, f**k it! The last part of our special 3 year anniversary extravaganza is a German Shuffle episode recorded LIVE. While recording we had listeners of the podcast watching us via live stream and they were able to throw questions our way during the recording. It was exciting and we had so much fun! The "German Shuffle" is a series of episodes in which we don’t focus on a single topic, but instead several unrelated topics about life in Germany. It’s a good ol’ fashioned variety show! This week’s episode covers: Berlin police being able to search you whenever they want, hot tub boats on the river, the importance of a proper coat during winter, the weird way Germans use the "winky face" emoji, and many more!

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Weddings & Marriages: GER vs. USA - EP 135
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
This February is the AGDW Podcast 3 year anniversary, which means the special episodes keep rolling in. For the third episode of our "anniversary extravaganza", we decided to hand over control to all of our listeners. Our instagram vote had a clear winner, so that means this week we're talking about weddings! More specifically, we'll be discussing how weddings and marriages differ between Germany and the USA. Luckily, Geoff is currently in the middle of planning his own wedding in Germany, which means he has a lot of fresh, first-hand experience to share with all of you. We'll also be detailing many classic German wedding traditions that you probably didn't know existed!

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Making an Expat YouTube Channel w/ ”Feli from Germany” - EP 134
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
This February is the AGDW Podcast 3 year anniversary! To celebrate our 3rd year on the air, we'll be releasing a special episode every single week this month. We knew we couldn't celebrate an anniversary without having the return of our very first podcast guest - Felicia, the host of the popular YouTube channel "Feli From Germany." Having grown up in Germany and eventually moved on to the USA, she has a unique perspective that is great for our show. However, we won't be talking to her about Germany or cultural comparisons. Instead, this week we go behind the scenes with her and discuss what life is like having a popular YouTube channel and podcast, including how she got started, the complications along the way and other fun stories!

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Just the Two of Us - EP 133
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
This February is the AGDW Podcast 3 year anniversary! We can't believe we're still around (guessing you feel the same) and we're still thrilled you are all still here as well. To celebrate our 3rd year on the air we'll be releasing a special episode every single week this month! To start out, after popular demand, we're finally releasing an episode that is about just the two of us. That's right, an entire episode about Alex and Geoff! We dive into our childhood growing up in the USA, what we initially decided to do with our lives when we graduated high school and explain in detail our current jobs in Germany.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Your First Few Months Living Abroad - EP 132
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
At this point, we've both each lived in Berlin, Germany for roughly a decade. Over time, it has become our new home where we have established our adult lives and integrated ourselves into German society as best as we could. However, even though so much time has passed, neither of us forgets what it was like those first few months and years living abroad. During this time there was a lot of excitement and discovery, but also a lot of doubt, stress, and definitely awkwardness. This week we discuss what feelings we experienced and what situations we found ourselves in having recently moved to Germany. We hope to shed some light on what a person might experience after deciding to move abroad.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Things Americans Do That Others Don’t Understand - EP 131
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Anyone who grows up in the USA, as with any country, can easily point out weird things around them everyday. However, some actions, items or traditions are so ingrained, we have no idea that the rest of the world just doesn't quite understand them. This week we'll be reacting to an article titled, "Non-Americans reveal the things Americans do that they simply do not understand." This episode isn't about "American bashing." We'd never do that! We're here to see what the rest of the world considers odd about the USA and whether or not these are things we still do ourselves, regardless of the fact that we've lived in Germany for so many years. How "American" are we? Let's find out!