Americans in Germany Drinking Whiskey

We are Geoff and Alex - two Americans living abroad in Berlin, Germany. During this series we discuss our years of experience living in Europe as expats, give advice to those who are hoping to make the move abroad and share plenty of funny stories about life in the ”land of beer and sausage.” Along the way, we test a new bottle of whiskey during each episode, because...why not?

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
The Hostel Hoedown - EP 120
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
When traveling around Germany on a budget, what's one of the best ways to save money? The answer is swapping out an expensive hotel for an affordable hostel! In past episodes we've briefly mentioned hostels and how they differ from a standard accommodation, but we have yet to do a deep dive. This week, we'll do just that by thoroughly describing the pros and cons of staying in a hostel. Plus, we'll share some fun stories about our personal experiences staying in hostel dorms while backpacking through Europe.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
OUR German Nightlife - EP 119
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
We've spent a few episodes in the past describing the many options for late night fun in Berlin and Germany in general. This includes a classic German beerhall, the famous techno clubs of Berlin and the coziness of a German kneipe (pub). However, this time, things are going to get a little personal. This week, we discuss what OUR nightlife actually looks like. What do the two of us do for fun on a Friday night in Berlin, and has our idea of a "good time" changed over the years? Let's find out!

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Reacting to Travel Blogs About Germany (1) - EP 118
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Recently, we were reading an article about the "Do's & Don'ts of Living in Germany" and felt some of the advice we were seeing didn't quite line up with our experiences living abroad. It made us wonder how accurate travel blogs are in general about Germany. This week we react to several different online advice blogs about moving to or living in Germany and discuss whether or not, in our opinion, they reflect reality.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Inside vs. Outside Berlin’s ”Ringbahn” - EP 117
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Berlin's "Ringbahn" (circle railway) is a circular public train route that surrounds Berlin's inner city area. It helps to connect the vast network of subway and above ground train lines that criss-cross the city, making transfers from one part of the city to the other much quick. However, beyond being a helpful public transit feature, it also acts as a dividing line for two different versions of Berlin. This week we talk about Berlin's Ringbahn and the differences between the architecture, people, and lifestyle on either side of the "ring."

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Tourist Destinations: To Go, or Not to Go? - EP 116
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Well folks, we're back, again! Unfortunately, Geoff got sick as soon as we returned from our vacation, which necessitated another short pause. However, we're back with a really fun episode about tourist destinations in Berlin and around Germany. Anytime we all travel abroad and search for what we should do during our visit, we always see the same lists online of top tourist locations within that city. Sometimes we need to stop and think, "are all of these must-see places, actually must-see?" This week we'll discuss which major tourist landmarks and destinations in Berlin and beyond are actually worth visiting, and which might actually be a waste of the little vacation time you have.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Vacationing in ”Little Germany” - EP 115
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
The boys are back in town! Having recently returned from our summer vacation, we knew we had so much to share with all of you about the experience of visiting small German villages. This episode will be a discussion about our trip to Swiss Saxony in Eastern Germany along with our time spent in a small village in North-West Brandenburg. We'll cover the nature, the differences in the people vs. those you'll meet in big cities, and what it's like specifically as a foreigner to walk around these small Dorfs (villages).

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
The German Shuffle (12) - EP 114
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
It's time for another shuffle...the “German Shuffle. ” This is a series of episodes in which we don’t focus on only one topic, but instead several unrelated topics about life in Germany. It’s a good ol’ fashioned variety show! This week’s episode will cover: the difference between German and American weddings, American breakfast foods that in Europe are considered desserts, self check-out and why Germans hate it, and many more!

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Questions & Answers (5) - EP 113
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
You still have questions and we still have answers. That's right, another "Q & "A episode! This week we tackle more listener queries about living in Germany, traveling around Europe and the podcast production. In the end, it all adds up to a lot of great information and advice that will hopefully interest everyone. For example, how "German" is Berlin? Do we prefer American or German houses? Which language do we mainly use with our German girlfriends? We’ll answer all these and much more!